Acts Like a Cab, Works Like a Bus
A Local Transport Service
Acts Like a Cab, Works Like a Bus
A Local Transport Service
Hours: 4:00 am - 8:00
Monday - Friday
No calls after 8:00 p
Drivers have extensive background in safe driving, professional and courteous service.
Schedule ahead. We’ll pick you up and drop you off 6 days per week. transportation service prescription pickup and delivery
Ride in our clean and well-maintained vehicles.
Not everyone owns a vehicle. Not everyone wants to maintain a vehicle, deal with rush-hour traffic, pay monthly insurance premium and hassle with huge parking lots and miles of walking to the door. Relying on the generosity of friends and family isn't always plausible.
We provide low cost transportation services making it convenient for our customers to make appointments, attend meetings, attend school, or attend social functions without the hassle of looking for a ride.
If you are tired of
We take the irritation out of your getting around by picking you up at the door and dropping you back off at the door. You can load your shopping in our vehicles and we will wait while you unload it when we drop you off at your door.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Children 6 years and under ride free.
Leave the driving to us.
Available Monday - Saturday
Hours: 4 am - 8 pm
Monday - Friday
No calls after 7 pm
ADD ExPRESS Transportation llc
P O Box 7084 Longview, TX 75607 US
Copyright © 2019 ADD ExPRESS Transportation - All Rights Reserved.